Image of the buckskin map

The map resides in the British Museum, but the closeup views fail to provide sufficient understanding of the map. Give a small overview of the map and its history. Also includes some references for further related information.

A BBC audio program and image of the map. 

A BBC page with a zoom-able image that was not working on my last visit.  The 10 minute audio remains available.

This map lay at the heart of one of the most famous Supreme Court Decisions on Native Americans

An overview and timeline of the court case Johnson v. M’Intosh, which concerned the land deal between the local Native Americans for which this map was partially created. Easy to follow and understand but also includes more in depth legal references for those interested. : Johnson and Graham’s Lessee v. William M’Intosh, 1823 , 21 U.S. 543

Map below shows the area depicted in the Buckskin Map with the various rivers and Forts labeled.

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